hOrO mO X / work
Epoch 0 - encounter - more ...
Epoch 1 - true randomness, proto-QuanumAI, WuWei non-art and non-poetry, radioactive and atmospheric and lava, perfect chaos, pure fields, demons - more ...
Epoch 2 - AIproof art, quantum totems, pure X, NamKhas, Machine Whisperers, Wrathful Lumberjacks' Enlightened Songs and Human Songs - more ...
Epoch 3 - randomness demolishion with QRNGs and Quantum Computing, Songs of the Perfect Chaos and Reset Songs - more ...
Epoch 4 - now:
OArt Code - AIproof Art rescue thesis
PinkWare - BioQuantum Computing ceremony
AliceBob - Quantum Art post-PFPs on Ordinals
PostPost - Post-Quantum cryptography Many-Worlds postal service
MindWare and NeuroDoom - Biocomputing experiments and Telepathic ceremonies powered by human brain organoids (Organoid Intelligence).
more --->