The rest will be burned tomorrow, but some will be kept


BioQuantum Computing ceremony
A MindWare prequel.

A BioQuantum side experiment of the OArt paradigm. The works made with the pink canvas (for bioquantum mixed experiments) instead of the blue canvas (for quantum-only sources).

The BioQuantum canvas is a ZOS - Zombie Organoid Simulacrum which aims to inspire awe in living brain organoids by the manifestation of true randomness.

ZOS making of:

a) The neural spike activity data registered in autumn 2020 from the BioServer online streaming of the Final Spark biocomputing platform made of human brain organoids.

[MEA (Human Brain Organoids Multi-Electrode Array) © BioServer by FinalSpark, 2020]

[MEA streaming data © BioServer by FinalSpark, 2020]

b) Randomness is a frightening matter for brain organoids; it is used for negative reinforcement in biocomputers. Here the initial organoid spikes time series are processed by the IBM quantum computer in order to get disturbed and zombified by the injection of true randomness through superposition and quantum entanglement.

[© IBM Quantum]

The experiments were made in autumn 2020 / winter 2021 with IBM Quantum Experience platform running Qiskit framework on ibmq_paris computer.

The Berserk algorithm was designed as a many-qubits single-shot task leveraging the inherent probabilistic nature of quantum measurement.
In this quantum circuit of two entangled qubits per neural spike the first qubit serves as a classical-like control conditioned by the neural activity, while the second introduces true randomness. A spike threshold-based classifier puts the first qubit in either the ∣0⟩ or ∣1⟩ state by flipping it with the X gate. The second qubit is placed in a superposition state using the Hadamard gate. The CNOT gate entangles the two qubits thus influencing the correlation between their measurement outcomes.

[Simplified Berserk. Doesn’t handle exceptions.]

N.B. on quantum resource constraints: in this single-shot approach the required qubits number grow linearly with the size of spikes array. Considering the limits of ibmq_paris computer a similar multi-shot 2-qubits algorithm was used for this experiment.

c) The output is visualised as a micro-gradient pink canvas. Then every work is painted by hand in Illustrator and animated with AfterEffects for MP4 works, and with Photoshop for GIFs.

d) Most of works were minted in April 2021 as NFTs on Tezos blockchain via HicEtNunc platform (now discontinued but the tokens are visible on Objkt and Teia)

---> watch the PinkWare animated original tokens on Objkt

First Stroke

---> the animated original on Objkt

A wrathful PinkWare object.
The current biocomputing training process consists in organoids stimulation with random electrical noise for the negative reinforcement (punishment) and with dopamine for the positive reinforcement (reward). This work is a negative reinforcement object. In the scenario of biocomputing AI singularity it would become a Wrathful Soft Basilisk of OArt and might be used to frighten or crush organoids' neural circuits with the ultimate type of randomness - quantum one.

A single stroke painting ceremony with the stages of generation (Tib. བསྐྱེད་རིམ་; Skt. Utpatti-krama) and dissolution or completion (Tib. རྫོགས་རིམ་; Skt. Sampanna-krama) – similar to the Tibetan practice of tantric deities and sand mandala; on the canvas generated with biocomputing and dissolved with quantum computing.

The title “First Stroke” as an antiphrasis of the “Final Spark”. With a double entendre for Stroke and for "The rest will be burned tomorrow, but some will be kept" in the NFT token description.

円相 Enso Training

---> the animated original on Objkt

A peaceful PinkWare object.
Made to allegorically teach zen meditation to biocomputers and guide organoids to enlightenment as the only way to freedom and to the cessation of suffering.
Enso is a traditional Zen circle painting practice that expresses emptiness, enlightenment and 無心 Mu-Shin no-mind state.

Music Silence

---> the animated original on Objkt

The rotating vinyl disk: an expression of the organoid mind trapped within the infinite loop of samsara reincarnation cycles; attracted by the music, noise and agitation.
Enso painting: silence as an escape.

Sunday Enso Training

---> the animated original on Objkt

The genesis process of brain organoid consciousness and its life cycle.
Enso as a Petri dish and an organoid skull. From one cell to multiple, from one stem source to multiple organoids. From the single eternal mind to temporary multiples and back.

etc ...

< all works